studium generale (WS 2005/06)
Siehe Angebot des Sprachenzentrums (auch in Adlershof)Achtung: Anmeldung nur online über

The course is designed to develop all language skills with special focus on reading and writing on the basis of science-related and general interest topics. It also aims to revise and extend grammar. Final tests: writing a summary, reading, use of English (grammar / vocabulary). The course can be taken together with course 91002.
SPK | Mo | 11-13 | wöch. | RUD 26, 1'308 | S. Geyer |

This course is designed to give students from a variety of
departments ample opportunity to
improve all language skills with special emphasis on speaking and
writing summaries. The course provides exercises to practise grammar
and to boost both general and specific academic vocabulary. Final
tests: speaking (giving a presentation); Use of English
(Grammar/vocabulary test); Writing a summary.
SPK | Mo | 13-15 | wöch. | RUD 26, 1'308 | S. Geyer |

This course is designed to develop all language skills with focus on listening and speaking. Students will have ample opportunity to revise and boost their knowledge of grammar. The material provided involves both technical and general language. Final tests: listening, use of English (vocabulary / grammar). The course can be combined with the course 91001.
SPK | Mi | 13-15 | wöch. | RUD 26, 1'308 | S. Geyer |

The focus of this course is listening, reading and speaking. Students will be provided with reading and audio-visual materials from the natural and technical sciences. Essential grammar items will be dealt with. Active participation, the giving of a presentation and success in the final tests (reading and vocabulary/grammar) are the pre-requisites to obtain the Leistungsnachweis.
SPK | Mi | 15-17 | wöch. | RUD 26, 1'308 | S. Geyer |

The course is designed to help science students develop essential business skills such as negotiating, managing meetings, dealing with figures etc. Students will read authentic texts on a variety of topics (e.g. Ethics, Change, Cultures, Competition, Quality) to develop their reading skills and learn essential business vocabulary. Students will hear interviews with business people to further develop their listening skills. Grammar revision will focus on common problem areas at intermediate level. Final tests: Use of English (vocabulary/ grammar), writing and listening comprehension.
SPK | Fr | 09-11 | wöch. | RUD 26, 1'308 | A. Völzke |

This course is designed to help students develop essential business skills such as making presentations, taking part in meetings and managing telephone calls. Students will develop their reading and listening skills and learn essential vocabulary. Grammar revision will focus on common problem areas at intermediate level (tenses, comparison, conditionals, passive voice, modal verbs). Topics covered: Globalisation, Employment, Innovation, Organisation, Leadership etc. Final tests: Reading comprehension, Use of English (vocabulary/ grammar), Speaking (short presentation).
SPK | Fr | 11-13 | wöch. | RUD 26, 1'308 | A. Völzke |

Ce cours s'adresse aux étudiants de toute discipline désirant
approfondir leurs connaissances de français sur la base de textes et
de documents audio-visuels au vocabulaire général et scientifique.
Les participants discuteront des réalités culturelles, sociales et
administratives de la France contemporaine et des pays francophones (la
société multiculturelle, les universités et les Grandes écoles, la
liberté individuelle, la liberté de presse). La révision de
grammaire portera notamment sur les sujets suivants:
l'interrogation, les déterminants, les pronoms, la comparaison, la
Lehrmaterial: "Forum 3" Hachette Verlag ISBN 2-01-155181-1
SPK | Di | 11-13 wöch. | RUD 26, 1'308 | M. Krause |

Compréhension orale et écrite
Ce cours est également destiné aux étudiants de toute discipline
souhaitant perfectionner leur français en discutant divers problèmes
du monde du travail et de l'Union européenne (les conditions de
travail en ville et à la campagne, la protection de
l'environnement, les nouvelles technologies). On travaillera sur
des textes et documents audio-visuels au vocabulaire général et des
articles au vocabulaire spécialisé. Seront traités les sujets
grammaticaux suivants: Les temps du passé, les propositions
hypothétiques, les participes, le subjonctif.
SPK | Di | 13-15 | wöch. | RUD 26, 1'308 | M. Krause |

Lehrmaterial: "Gente 1", Klett Verlag
ISBN (Lehrbuch): 3-12-515533-9
ISBN (Arbeitsheft): 3-12-51-5535-5
SPK | Mi | 09-13 | wöch. | RUD 26, 1'308 | S. Strohner |