Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences - IT Service Group (RBG)

Terms of use for the Compute-Servers

The Compute-Servers are available to all students and employees. It is self-evident that every user takes responsibility for his actions. The following rules apply to both user groups likewise and are implemented to ensure stable availability of our resources for all users.

  • Please keep in mind that from time to time servers may be temporarily unavailable due to maintenance and planned downtimes.
  • Please use the servers in accordance with the terms. Additional information with regard to the capabilities of the servers, the software and the storage can be found under the following [Link].
  • Do not hesitate to contact us, if you plan to run time consuming and / or high load processes that should not be interrupted. IT Service Group (RBG)
  • All processes must run with a nice-value of 19: nice -n 19 command or renice -n 19 process-ID (please see also "man nice" and "man renice")
  • The processes of each user must in sum never exceed 50% of the total memory of the server. Please monitor your processes for example with "top".
  • The processes of each user must in sum never exceed 50% of the CPUs of the server. Current use can be monitored with "top".
  • Ideally both upper bounds should be applied dynamically to currently available memory and currently availably CPUs instead of static values calculated on the basis of the maximum values. With increased numbers of users (and processes) on a server, each user should remember to voluntarily reduce his own use of the resources in consideration of his fellow users.

User processes violating above rules will be automatically re-prioritized by the IT Service Group (renice). In case a server becomes unavailable due to single processes monopolizing all capacities, the processes in question will be terminated without warning.