Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences - IT Service Group (RBG)

Account application

Link to Application form for students at HU

Registration required!

Application for students at the Humboldt University
Application for students from other institutions (   Guest students)
Validity period

Access even without an "Informatik-Account" (since 07/2019):

Access even without an "Informatik-Account": Students at Humboldt University with a valid CMS account can use the Linux pools and the computer server (gruenaus) of the Institut für Informatik with the CMS account.

To log in, use: "" + CMS password


Account stands for your HU account (max. 8 characters). The access cannot yet be used for the other services of the institute (git, svn, ...).


Application for a user ID for students


Every student who wants to work on the computers of the Institute for Computer Science needs a user ID. This user ID will be activated upon request. Students at the Institute for Computer Science and students from other disciplines who attend courses at the Institute for Computer Science are eligible to apply. A requirement for the activation of a user ID at the institute is the possession of a user ID of the CMS. Exceptions for students from other institutions are possible.

Application for students at the Humboldt University

User IDs that are requested with the CMS user ID are usually automatically activated within an hour and can be used for all services at the institute immediately after activation.


Humboldt University students with a CMS-account can apply for the user ID using this application form (in german).

Starting with the winter semester 2018/19 the following regulation will be suspended

Students who had to specify a university professor when submitting the application, please contact the address below, House 3, Room 204, within 21 days, in order to prove the information provided in the application by presenting their student ID.

If none of the subjects computer science, business informatics or Infomit is entered in the student ID card, the confirmation of attendance at a course at the Institute of Computer Science, generally the signature of the lecturer, must also be submitted.

If this is not done within 21 days, the user ID will be blocked and deleted 2 months after the application has been submitted or at the end of the lecture period.

For accounts that are requested during the semester break, the 21-day period begins with the start of the courses.

Students at Humboldt-Universität with a CMS user ID can apply for the user ID using this application form.

Application for Guest students

Students from other institutions please use the special application form. After receipt of the application, the user ID and password can usually be picked up on the next working day at the address below, House 3, Room 204. The password will only be communicated to the applicant personally upon presentation of the identity card and student ID. These students also need confirmation that they have attended a course at the Institute of Computer Science. You must submit / send this to the computer operating group no later than 21 days after the account has been granted. For accounts that are requested during the semester break, the 21-day period begins with the start of the courses.

As a guest or part-time student, you have to register with the Student Service Department: HU website for guest and part-time students

Covid-19: Alternatively, proof of identity can also be provided by email. You will be contacted by us via email. The further procedure is then individually coordinated.

Validity period

The user ID remains valid until the end of your studies. For students from other institutions, the user ID expires one month after the start of the next winter semester. Degree course in computer science The diploma course "Computer Science" expires at the end of September 2018. The accounts of de-registered users will be deleted after a corresponding period (see user regulations). Students at the institute have the option of keeping their account after de-registering. To do this, the supervisor of the thesis must send an email to the computer operating group with the request to renew the account. In addition to the account name, this mail should also state by when the account is required. This has NO influence on the CMS HU account. This is regulated exclusively by the CMS and the corresponding user regulations.