Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences - Department of Computer Science

Department of Computer Science - Papers

Die Informatik-Berichte erscheinen seit 1990 aperiodisch unter der ISSN: 0863-095X.
Herausgeber sind die Professoren des Instituts für Informatik.
Diese Seite listet alle Informatikberichte nach Jahren sortiert auf.
Seit 2005 werden die Informatikberichte gleichzeitig auf dem Dokumenten- und Plublikationsserver (edoc-Server) der HU veröffentlich.
Zum Verfassen von Informatik-Berichten beachten Sie bitte die folgenden Hinweise für Autoren.



1. Fachbereich Informatik Jahresbericht 1990
2. J. Grabowski, W. Müller (1990)
An Introduction to PROPEL (Version 1.0)
3. C. Damm u.a. (1990)
Separating restricted MODp-Branching Program Classes
4. C. Damm (1990)
Lower Bounds on the Size of Parity Normal Forms computing Clique Functions
5. G. Buntrock u.a. (1990)
Structure and Importance of Logspace-MOD-Classes
6. F. Bauernöppel u.a. (1991)
Dokumentation der Modulbibliothek HULIB
7. K. Bothe (1991)
Multipurpose Use of a Prolog Space Benchmark Suite
8. C. Damm (1991)
DET = L# L
9. J. Grabowski (1991)
Declarative Semantics for Changing Objects: A Metaprogramming Approach
10. E. B. Kinber, R. Wiehagen (1991)
Parallel Learning - a recursion-theoretic Approach
11. R. Rasch, H. Jung (1991)
Computing shortest paths between circles
12. W. Abramowicz (1991)
Hypertexte und IR-basierte Verarbeitung


13. B. Hohberg (1992)
Modulare Spezifikation von Compilern
14. K. Ahrens, J. Fischer, D. Witaszek (1992)
Objektorientierte Prozessimulation in C++
15. K. Bothe (1992)
On the Power of Meta-Interpretation and Partitial Evaluation in Logic Programming
16. H. Baumgarten, H. Jung, K. Mehlhorn(1992)
Dynamic Point Location in General Subdivisions
17. C. Leopold (1992)
Algorithms and Data Structures for Hierarchical Memories
18. J. Fauck (1992)
Numerisch stabiler Algorithmus zur näherungsweisen Berechnung des gröߟten gemeinsamen Teilers zweier Polynome
19. G. Bauer (1992)
Spezifikation von Informationssystemen
20. K. Biener (1992)
Wegbereiter der Informatik
21. J. Fischer, S. Krause, D. Witaszek (1992)
22. L. Czaja,H.-D. Burkhard, P. Starke (1993)
Workshop Concurrency, Specification & Programming 1992
23. W. Reisig (1993)
Formal Methods for Concurrent Systems Design: A servey
24. J. Desel,M.-D. Radola (1993)
Proving Non-Reachability by Modulo-Place-Invariants
25. E. Smith (1993)
A Primer on High-Level Petri-Net Theory
26. J. Desel (1993)
P/T-Systems, Invariants and Free-Choice Systems
27. Tag der Informatik (1993)


28. Th. Hecker, M. Weber (1994)
ChannLib - An Advanced Routing Environment
29. P. Molitor, Ch. Scholl (1994)
Communication based multilevel synthetics for multi-output boolean functions.
30. E. Kindler, Listl, R. Walter (1994)
Kausalitaetsbasierte Beweismethoden fuer verteilte Datenbanken
31. K. Schmidt (1994)
T-Invariants of Algebraic Petri Nets
32. E. Smith (1994)
On the Border of Causality: Contact and Confusion
33. K. Schmidt
Symmetries of Petri Nets
34. W. Reisig (1994)
Progress in Petri Nets
35. U. Jaeger
Using Context Information for Efficient Situation Detection
36. L. Czaja,H.-D. Burkhard, P. Starke (1994)
Workshop Concurrency, Specification & Programming 1994
37.J. Fischer (1994)
Contribution for the Formal Specification of the ODP Trader using SDL92 and ASN.1.
38. W. Reisig (1994)
Correctness Proofs of Distributed Algorithms
39. L. Popova-Zeugmann (1994)
On Time Invariance in Time Petri Nets
40. St. Hougardy (1994)
On Wing-Perfect Graphs


41.U. Jaeger, J.C. Freytag (1995)
Annotated Bibliography on Active Databases
42. Jin Ye (1995)
Specification and Simulation of TDM/CDMA VSAT Integrated Service Satellite Communication Network
43. J. Fischer, E. Dimitrov, U. Taubert (1995)
Analysis and formal Verification of SDL'92 Specifications using Extended Petri Nets
44. M. Born J. Fischer, M. Winkler (1995)
Formal Language Mapping from CORBA IDL to SDL'92 in Combination with ASN.1
45. J. Fischer, E. Holz (1995)
Proceedings of Cost 247 Meeting Berlin, Februar 1995
46. P. Starke (1995)
A Memo on Time Constraints in Petri Nets
47. C. Polze (1995)
Folien zum Kurs Software-Architektur UNIX
48. W. Reisig (1995)
Petri Net Models of Distributed Algorithms
49. D. Witaszek, E. Holz, St. Lau (1995)
A Methodology for Object-Oriented Analysis and Design Using OMT and SDL'92
50. E. Kindler, R. Walter (1995)
Arc-Typed Petri Nets
51. M. Malek, A. Polze, M. Werner (1995)
A Framework for Responsive Parallel Computing in Network-based Systems
52. A. Polze, M. Malek (1995)
The Shared Objects Net-interconnected Computer (SONiC)
53. M. Werner, A. Polze, M. Malek (1995)
The Unstoppable Orchestra a Responsive Distributed Application
54. M. Spiliopoulou, J.C. Freytag (1995)
Modelling the Dynamic Evolution of System Workload During Pipelined Query Execution


55. H.-D. Burkhard, M. Lenz (Eds.) (1996)
4th German Workshop on Case-Based Reasoning -System Development and Evaluation-
56. E. Kindler, A. Listl, R. Walter (1996)
A Specification Method for Transaction Models with Data Replication
57. B. Burkhard (1996)
Skript zum Kurs Software-Architektur UNIX Teil Kommunikation
58. St. Manegold,J. K. Obermaier, F. Waas, J.C. Freytag (1996)
Data Threaded Query Evaluation in Shared-Everything Environments
59. P. Starke (1996)
On State-Invariants of Timed Petri Nets
60. L. Pogrell (1996)
A New Model Checking Algoritm For Time Nets
61. St. Manegold, J. K. Obermaier, F. Waas, J.C. Freytag (1996)
Load Balanced Query Evaluation in Shared-Everything Environments
62. W. Heitsch (1996)
Automatisches Theorembeweisen durch logische Programmierung
63. E. Kindler, W. Reisig, H. Völzer, R. Walter (1996)
Petri Net Based Verification of Distributed Algorithms: An Example
64. W. Reisig (1996)
Modelling and Verification of Distributed Algorithms
65. M. Stillger, M. Spiliopoulou, J.C. Freytag (1996)
Parallel Query Optimization: Exploiting Bushy and Pipeline Parallelism with Genetic Programs
66. F. Mueller (1996)
Generalizing Timing Predictions to Set-Associative Caches
67. R. Walter, H. Völzer, T. Vesper, W. Reisig, E. Kindler, J. F reiheit, J. Desel (1996)
MEMORANDUM Petrinetzmodelle zur Verifikation Verteilter Algorithmen
68. W. Reisig (1996)
Interleaved Progress Concurrent Progress and Local Progress
69. L. Czaja, H.-D. Burkhard, P. Starke, M. Lenz (Eds.) (1996)
Workshop Concurrency, Specification & Programming 1996
70. St. Manegold, J. K. Obermaier, F. Waas (1996)
Load Balanced Query Evaluation in Shared-Everything Environments (extended Version)
71. C. Polze (1996)
Objektorientiertes Programmieren mit Perl5
72. U. Jaeger, J. K. Obermaier (1996)
Parallel Event Detection in Active Database Systems: The Heart of the Matter
73. H. Ehrig, W. Reisig, H. Weber (Eds.) (1996)
Kick-Off-Workshop der DFG-Forschergruppe Petrinetz-Technologie
74. A. Polze, M. Malek (1996)
Network Computing with SONiC
75. A. Polze, M. Werner, M. Malek (1996)
High-Performance Responsive Computing Computing with CORE and SONiC
76. A. Polze, G. Fohler, M. Werner (1996)
Predictable Network Computing
77. A. Polze (Ed.) (1996)
Rechnen in Parallelen und Verteilten Umgebungen
78. G. Fohler (1996)
Adaptive Fault-Tolerance with Statically Scheduled Real-Time Systems


79. St. Lau, A. Prinz (1997)
BSDL: The Language - Version 0.3
80. St. Manegold, J. K. Obermaier, F. Waas (1997)
Flexible Anfrageoptimierung in parallelen Datenbanksystemen (Arbeitspapier)
81. M. Stillger, J. K. Obermaier, J.C. Freytag (1997)
AQuES: An Agent-based Query Evaluation System
82. B. Burkhard (1997)
Managment verteilter Systeme Eine Uebersicht zu aktuellen Entwicklungen
83. M. Heiner, L. Popova-Zeugmann (1997)
Worst-case Analysis of Concurrent Systems with Duration Petri Nets
84. H. Voelzer (1997)
Verifying fault tolerance of distributed algoritms formally: A case study
85. J. Desel, E. Kindler, A. Oberweis (Hrsg.) (1997)
4. Workshop Algorithmen und Werkzeuge fuer Petrinetze
86. St. Haar (1997)
Cyclic Orders and the axiomatization of causality and concurrency in periodic processes
87. E. Kindler, T. Vesper (1997)
ESTL: A Temporal Logic for Events and States
88. M. Weber, R. Walter, H. Völzer, T. Vesper, W. Reisig, E. Kindler, J. Freiheit, J. Desel (1997)
DAWN: Petrinetzmodelle zur Verifikation Verteilter Algorithmen
89. E. Kindler, H. Völzer (1997)
Flexibility in Algebraic Notes
90. M. Werner, M. Malek (1997)
The Unstoppables - Responsivness by Consensus
91. M. Werner , H. Karl (1997)
Towards a Definition of Responsiveness
92. M. Werner , H. Karl (1997)
An Optimal Checkpointing Interval for Real-Time Systems
93. H. Karl , M. Werner (1997)
An Experimental Investigation of Message Latencies in the Totem Protocol in the Presence of Faults
94. J. Richling (1997)
Scheduling Server for Responsive Computing
95. P.K. Ibach (1997)
Fault Tolerance and Real Time through Duplication Based Dynamic Load Sharing


96. L. Popova-Zeugmann (1998)
Essential States in Time Petri Nets
97. F. Mueller (1998)
Prioritized Token-Based Mutual Exclusion for Distributed Systems
98. J. Hauptmann, B. Hohberg, E. Kindler, I. Schwenzer, M. Weber(1998)
Der Petrinetz-Kern Version 1.0 Dokumentation der Anwendungsschnittstelle
99. Th. Baar, E. Kindler(1998)
Einsatz von ILF und DAWN zur Verifikation verteilter Algorithmen
100. T. Vesper, M. Weber(1998)
Validierung eines Petrinetz-basierten Steuerungssystems
101. St. Roch, P. Starke(1998)
INA Integrierter Netz Analysator Version 2.1
102. E. Kindler (1998)
Database Theory - Petri Net Theory - Workflow Theory
104. Y. Lahav, A. Wolisz, J. Fischer, E. Holz (1998)
105. A. Polze, J. Richling (1998)
Data Replication and Weak Memory Consistency - Predictable CORBA Interactions with Composite Objects
107. E. Kindler, S. Peuker (1998)
Integrating Distributed Algorithms into Distributed Systems
108. St. Haar (1998)
Branching Processes of general S/T-Systems
109. E. Kindler, M. Weber (1998)
The Dimensions of Petri nets: The Petri Net Cube
110. H.-D. Burkhard, L. Czaja, P. Starke, (Eds.) (1998)
Workshop Concurrency, Specification & Programming 1998
111. E. Rödel (1998)
Projections on Convex Cones with Applications in Statistics
112. H. Karl (1998)
Coscheduling through Synchronized Scheduling Servers - A Prototype and Experiments
113. E. Rödel (1998)
Data Control by Stochastic Model
114. K. Dohmen (1998)
Improved Bonferroni Bounds for the Reliability of a Communication Network
115. Chr. Polze (1998)
Tools der Softwaretechnik - Programmgeneratoren - Einführung und Demonstrationen


117. F. Naumann, U. Leser, J. C. Freytag (1999)
Quality-driven Integration of Heterogeneous Information Systems
118. H. Karl, A. Polze, M. Werner (1999)
A Flexible, Distributed I/O-based Framework for Improved Fault Tolerance of Legacy Software
119. Th. Baar, E. Kindler, H. Völzer (1999)
Verifying Intuition - ILF checks DAWN proofs
120. S. Peuker (1999)
Phased Decomposition of Distributed Algorithms
121. H. Karl (1999)
A Rigorous Analysis of the Run Time Distribution of Eager Scheduling
122. K. Schmidt (1999)
Integrating Low Level Symmetries into Reachability Analysis
123. K. Schmidt (1999)
Stubborn Sets for Model Checking the EF/AG Fragment of CTL
124. S. Wischnowsky (1999)
Optimierung in dynamischen Compilern am Beispiel von Delos
125. K. Dohmen (1999)
An improved inclusion-exclusion algorithm for counting Hamiltonian path
126. E. Rödel (1999)
Mixed Linear Regression with Equi-Cross-Correlated Errors
127. J. Richling (1999)
Komponierbare Echtzeitsysteme - Entwurfsmethode und Architekturentwurf
128. C. Polze (1999)
Tools der Softwaretechnik - Technologie mit make - Einführung und Demonstrationen
129. DFG-Forschergruppe PETRI NET TECHNOLOGY (1999)
Initial Realization of the > Petri Net Baukasten <
132. K. Dohmen (1999)
Convex geometric inclusion-exclusion identities and Bonferroni inequalities with applications
to system reliability analysis and reliability covering problems


133. T. Vesper (2000)
Randomized Self-Stabilizing Leader Election (Extended Abstract)
134. B. Burkhard (2000)
CorSiCa: Eine CORBA-basierte Experimentalumgebung für intelligente Kommunikationssysteme
135. F. Naumann, J. C. Freytag (2000)
Completeness of Information Sources
137. M. Stillger, D. Scheffner, J. C. Freytag (2000)
A Communication Infrastructure for a Distributed RDBMS
138. F. Naumann, C. Rolker (2000)
Assessment Methods for Information Quality Criteria
139. S. Peuker (2000)
Property Preserving Transition Refinement with Concurrent Runs
140. H.-D. Burkhard, L. Czaja, A. Skowron, P. Starke (Eds.) (2000)
Workshop Concurrency, Specification & Programming 2000
141. M. v. Löwis, D. Witaszek, J. Fischer, K. Ahrens, B. Neubauer (2000)
Architektur von SDL- Laufzeitsystemen in C++
142. Chr. Polze (2000)
Formale Grammatiken und Compilerbau
143. E. Rödel, W. Kössler (2000)
Tests for Independence in Bivariate Distributions - Power Comparison by Simulation


144. Chr. Polze (2001)
Die Skriptsprache PERL
145. F. Mueller (2001)
Real-Time Schedulability Analysis for Ada
146. S. Unger, F. Mueller (2001)
Handling Irreducible Loops: Optimized Node Splitting vs. DJ-Graphs
147. F. Mueller, J. Nolte, A. Schlaefer
Clix - A Hybrid Programming Environment for Distributed Objects and Distributed Shared Memory
148. Th. Röblitz, O. Bühn, F. Mueller (2001)
Simulation of Embedded Micro-Kernels over Pthreads
149. C. Jonker, A. Letia, G. Lindemann, T. Uthmann (Eds.)
Workshop Modelling Artificial Societies and Hybrid Organizations; 14th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence
150. E. Kindler, M. Weber (2001)
A Universal Modeule Concept for Petri Nets - an implementation-orinted approach -
151. J. Köbler, W. Lindner (2001)
Learning Classes of Polynomial Abstract Identification Dimension with an Oracle in
152. V. Arvind, J. Köbler, W. Lindner (2001)
Parametrized Learnability of k-Terms DNF and Boolean Circuits
153. E. Rödel (2001)
R-Estimation of Optimal Transformations via Copulas and ACE.
154. P. Ibach (2001)
Zuverlässige Systeme für Web und e-Buiseness ; Fallstudie: Intershop Enfinity
155. A. Prinz (2001)
Formal Semantics for SDL ; Definition and Implementation
156. D. Asonov (2001)
Almost Optimal Private Information Retrieval
157. D. Scheffner (2001)
Access Support Tree & TextArray: Data Structures for XML Document Storage


158. D. Scheffner, J.-Chr. Freytag (2002)
The XML Query Execution Engine(XEE)
159. D. Asonov, J.-Chr. Freytag (2002)
Private Information Retrieval Optimal for Users and Secure Coprocessors
161. H.-D. Burkhard, L. Czaja, G. Lindemann, A. Skowron, P. Starke (Eds.) (2002)
Concurrency, Specification and Programming CS&P`2002, Berlin, October 7-9
162. P. H. Starke, St. Roch (2002)
Analysing Signal-Net Systems


163. H.-D. Burkhard, T. Uthmann, G. Lindemann (Eds.)
Workshop "Modellierung und Simulation menschlichen Verhaltens"
164. H. Müller, J.-Chr. Freytag
Problems, Methods, and Challenges in Comprehensive Cleansing


165. Z. Lacroix, H. Murthy, F. Naumann, L. Raschid
Links and Path through Life Sciences Data Sources
167. W. Kössler
Some c-Sample Rank Tests of Homogeneity Against Umbrella Alternatives with unknown peak
168. E. Rödel
Statistical Analysis of Memoryless Discrete Channels
169. A. Martens, Chr. Stahl, D. Weinberg, D. Fahland, Th. Heidinger
Business Process Execution Language for Web services - Semantik, Analyse und Visualisierung -
170. G. Lindemann (Eds.)
Concurrency, Specification and Progamming CS&P'2004 Volumes 1-3
171. G. A. Hoffmann, M. Malek
Meeting Deadlines in Complex Systems: A Probabilistic Approach
172. G. A. Hoffmann, F. Salfner, M. Malek
Advanced Failure Prediction in Complex Software Systems
173. W. Kössler
Some c-Sample Rank Tests of Homogeneity Against Ordered Alternatives based On U-Statistics
174. E. Kroymann, S. Thiebes, A. Lüdeling, U. Leser
Eine vergleichende Analyse von historischen und diachronen digitalen Korpora
175. U. Düffert, F. Winkler
Evaluation of the capabilities of HAndel-C considering the implementation of a classification algoritm as example
176. L. C. Faulstich, U. Leser, A. Lüdeling
Storing and Querying Historical Texts in a Relational Database


180. K. Schmidt
Controlability of Distributed Business Processes
182. W. Reisig, K. Schmidt, Chr. Stahl
Verteilte Geschäftsprozesse modellieren und analysieren
184. Chr. Stahl, W. Reisig, M. Krstic
Hazard Detection in a GALS Wrapper: a Case Study
187. U. Leser
A Query Language for Biological Networks
188. Chr. Stahl
A Petri Net Semantics for BPEL
189. P. Massuthe, K. Schmidt
Operating Guidelines - an Alternative to Public View
190. D. Fahland
Complete Abstract Operational Semantics for the Web Service Business Process Execution Language
191. P. Massuthe, W. Reisig, K. Schmidt
An Operating Guideline Approach to the SOA
192. K. Schmidt, Chr. Stahl
Proceedings: 12. Workshop Algorithmen und Werkzeuge für Petrinetze (AWPN 2005)

Manfred Hagen
Erstellt am 23-12-94, zuletzt geändert am 12-09-2005