Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät - Distributed Computing

Lehrstuhl Distributed Computing

Welcome to the chair of Distributed Computing!



The research group focuses on the theoretical foundations of distributed computing. This includes questions such as what can and what cannot be solved efficiently and reliably in distributed systems.


The main research areas of the group are:

  • distributed graph algorithms,
  • fault-tolerant distributed coordination and synchronisation,
  • algorithms in stochastic interaction models.







Summer Semester 2024

  • Seminar on Advanced Distributed Algorithms


Winter Semester 2023

  • Foundations of Distributed Computing
  • Seminar on Biomolecular Computing


Summer Semester 2023

  • Seminar on Distributed Algorithms


Bachelor and Master's theses

If you are interested in doing a thesis in our group, contact the head of the group.

