Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences - Welcome to SOAMED




Liebrenz, T., Herber, P. and Glesner, S. (2018). Deductive Verification of Hybrid Control Systems modeled in Simulink with KeYmaera X. Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Formal Engineering Methods (ICFEM 2018). Springer.
Liebrenz, T. (2018). Service-Oriented Design and Verification of Hybrid Control Systems. Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Formal Engineering Methods (ICFEM 2018). Springer.

Nikaj, A., Weske, M., Mendling, J.: Semi-automatic Derivation of RESTful Choreographies from Business Process Choreographies. In Journal: Software & Systems Modeling 2018.

Haarmann, S.,Batoulis, K., Nikaj, A., and Weske, M.: DMN Decision Execution on the Ethereum Blockchain. In Advanced Information Systems Engineering - 30th International Conference, CAiSE 2018 (accepted for publication).

Stefan Sprenger, Steffen Zeuch, Ulf Leser: Exploiting automatic vectorization to employ SPMD on SIMD registers, HardBD@ICDE, Paris, France, April 2018.

Carl Witt, Marc Bux, Wladislaw Gusew, Ulf Leser: Predictive Performance Modeling in Distributed Computing using Black-Box Monitoring and Machine Learning, submitted to Future Generation Computing Systems.

Carl Witt, Dennis Wagner, Ulf Leser: Integrated Scheduling and Prediction of Scientific Workflows: Mitigating Memory Bottlenecks using Online Learning, to be submitted to the 30th International Conference on Scientific and Statistical Database Management.