Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences - Welcome to SOAMED



Müller, R., Rogge-Solti, A.:

"BPMN for healthcare processes"

In: Eichhorn, D., Koschmider, A., Zhang, H. (eds.) Proceedings of the 3rd Central-European Workshop on Services and their Composition (ZEUS 2011). CEUR Workshop Proceedings, vol. 705, pp. 65–72., Karlsruhe, Germany (February 2011).

Konferenz: Christian Neuhaus, Martin von Löwis, Andreas Polze:

"A Dependable and Secure Authorisation Service in the Cloud"

CLOSER 2012: 568-573.

Workshop: Christian Neuhaus, Robert Wierschke Martin von Löwis und Andreas Polze:

"Secure Cloud based Medical Data Exchange"

GI-Workshop "Zukunftsfähiges IT-Management im medizinischen Bereich", GI- Jahrestagung Berlin 2011.

Andreas Rogge-Solti, Matthias Kunze, Ahmed Awad, Mathias Weske:

"Business Process Configuration Wizard and Consistency Checker for BPMN 2.0"

Proceedings of the working conference on BPMDS'11. Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing (Volume 81), 2011.

Sebastian Bab, Nadim Sarrouh:

"Towards a Formal Model of Privacy-Sensitive Dynamic Coalitions"

FAVO 2011, Sao Paolo, Brazil, Proceedings p10-21.

Technischer Bericht: Christian Neuhaus, Andreas Polze, Mohammad M.R. Chowdhury:

"Survey on healthcare IT systems: standards, regulations and security"

01.02.2011, Technischer Report, Hasso-Plattner-Institut.

Starlinger, J., Schmeck, B. and Leser, U. (2011):

"Challenges in Automatic Diagnosis Extraction from Medical Examination Summaries CIKM 2011"

Workshop on Web Science and Information Exchange on the Medical Web, Glasgow, United Kingdom.