Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät - Didaktik der Informatik | Informatik und Gesellschaft

Dipl.-Inf. Katarzyna Biernacka

Dipl.-Inf. Katarzyna Biernacka

Adresse: Rudower Chaussee 25, Raum 3.407
Telefon: +49 30 2093-41110

ORCID: 0000-0002-6363-0064

Katarzyna Biernacka hat einen Abschluss in Informatik der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. In ihrer Diplomarbeit entwarf sie einen 3D-Scanner auf Basis von Kinect. Ihr starkes Interesse an digitalen Werkzeugen und den neuen Lernformen prägte ihr Forschungsinteresse. Im Winter 2015/2016 trat sie in die Forschungsgruppe von Prof. Pinkwart ein, wo sie auf dem Gebiet der mobilen Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien in der Lehre am Beispiel Lateinamerikas forscht. Seit Februar 2019 ist sie wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Institut und forscht im Bereich "Publikation von Forschungsdaten - Research Integrity - Privacy". Zusätzlich zu ihrer Forschung bietet Katarzyna als Verfechterin von Open Science verschiedene Workshops zu diesem und verwandten Themen an.

Aktuelles Forschungsprojekt

HEADT Centre

Frühere Forschungsprojekte


Mediale Aufbereitung und Vermittlung des nationalen Kulturschatzes aus der ‘Hoffmann-Kollektion des Nord-Sotho-Kulturerbes’ für die Öffentlichkeit und Fachwissenschaft in Deutschland und Südafrika


DINI/nestor AG Forschungsdaten


UAG Schulungen/Fortbilungen der DINI/nestor AG Forschungsdaten

RDA Education and Training on Handling of Research Data IG


@book{Biernacka2022b, author = "K. Biernacka and S. Schulz", title = "Forschungsdatenmanagement in der Informatik", year = 2022, publisher = "Logos Verlag Berlin", month = "Sep", doi = "10.30819/5490", isbn = "978-3-8325-5490-3" } @techreport{Hoebelheinrich2022a, author = "N. Hoebelheinrich and K. Biernacka and M. Brazas and L. J. Castro and N. Fiore and M. Hellström and I. Kuchma and E. Lazzeri and E. Leenarts and P. M. Lavanchy and E. Newbold and A. L. Nurnberger and E. Plomp and L. Vaira and C. van Gelder and A. Whyte", title = "Recommendations for a minimal metadata set to aid harmonised discovery of learning resources", year = 2022, publisher = "Research Data Alliance", month = "Apr", doi = "10.15497/RDA00073" } @book{Biernacka2022a, author = "K. Biernacka and V. Halbherr and M. Lange and L. Martin and C. Mieck and N. Reimer", title = "Open Access und wissenschaftliches Publizieren: Train-the-Trainer-Konzept", year = 2022, volume = 1, month = "Apr", keywords = "open access, train-the-trainer, open science, wissenschaftliches publizieren", doi = "10.5281/zenodo.6034407" } @book{Engelhardt2021a, author = "C. Engelhardt and K. Biernacka and A. Coffey and R. Cornet and A. Danciu and Y. Demchenko and S. Downes and C. Erdmann and F. Garbuglia and K. Germer and K. Helbig and M. Hellström and K. Hettne and D. Hibbert and M. Jetten and Y. Karimova and K. K. Hansen and M. E. Kuusniemi and V. Letizia and V. McCutcheon and B. McGillivray and J. Ostrop and B. Petersen and A. Petrus and S. Reichmann and N. Rettberg and C. Reverté and N. Rochlin and B. Saenen and B. Schmidt and J. Scholten and H. Shanahan and A. Straube and V. V. den Eynden and J. Vandendorpe and S. Venkataram and C. Wiljes and U. Wuttke and J. Yeomans and B. Zhou", title = "How to be FAIR with your data. A teaching and training handbook for higher education institutions", year = 2021, month = "Dec", keywords = "fair, research data management, higher education", doi = "10.5281/zenodo.5837500" } @book{Biernacka2020g, author = "K. Biernacka and P. Buchholz and S. A. Danker and D. Dolzycka and C. Engelhardt and K. Helbig and J. Juliane and J. Neumann and C. Odebrecht and B. Petersen and B. Slowig and U. Trautwein-Bruns and C. Wiljes and U. Wuttke", title = "Train-the-Trainer Konzept zum Thema Forschungsdatenmanagement (Version 4.0)", year = 2021, publisher = "Zenodo", volume = 4, month = "Dec", doi = "10.5281/zenodo.5773203" } @article{Biernacka2021b, author = "K. Biernacka and K. Helbig and P. Buchholz", title = "Adaptable Methods for Training in Research Data Management", year = 2021, journal = "Data Science Journal", publisher = "ubiquity press", volume = 20, number = 1, month = "Apr", keywords = "train-the-trainer, research data management, training, methods, curriculum development", doi = "10.5334/dsj-2021-014" } @inbook{Biernacka2021a, author = "K. Biernacka and N. Pinkwart", title = "Opportunities for Adopting Open Research Data in Learning Analytics", year = 2021, booktitle = "Advancing the Power of Learning Analytics and Big Data in Education", publisher = "IGI Global", pages = "29-60", month = "Mar", keywords = "research integrity, privacy protection, data publication, open science, data sharing, open data, open practices, barriers to open research data", doi = "10.4018/978-1-7998-7103-3.ch002", url = "", isbn = "9781799871033" } @misc{Biernacka2020f, author = "K. Biernacka", title = "Researchers' Perspective on the Publication of Research Data: Semi-structured Interviews from Germany", year = 2020, publisher = "edoc-Server", institution = "Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin", keywords = "open research data open data, research integrity, data publication", doi = "10.18452/21644" } @misc{Biernacka2020e, author = "K. Biernacka", title = "Researchers' Perspective on the Publication of Research Data: Semi-structured Interviews from India", year = 2020, publisher = "edoc-Server", institution = "Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin", keywords = "open research data open data, research integrity, data publication", doi = "10.18452/21378" } @misc{Biernacka2020d, author = "K. Biernacka", title = "Perspectiva de los Investigadores sobre la Publicación de Datos de Investigación: Entrevistas Semiestructuradas de Perú", year = 2020, publisher = "edoc-Server", institution = "Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin", keywords = "open research data open data, research integrity, data publication", doi = "10.18452/21394" } @inproceedings{Biernacka2020a, author = "K. Biernacka and N. Pinkwart", title = "Barriers and Hurdles to the Publication of Learning Analytics Data", year = 2020, journal = "Companion Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge LAK20", publisher = "LAK20", pages = "47-49", keywords = "research data, open data, research integrity, data protection" } @book{Biernacka2020i, author = "K. Biernacka and M. Bierwirth and P. Buchholz and D. Dolzycka and K. Helbig and J. Neumann and C. Odebrecht and C. Wiljes and U. Wuttke", title = "Train-the-Trainer Concept on Research Data Management", year = 2020, publisher = "Zenodo", month = "Nov", keywords = "research data, train-the-trainer, research data management", doi = "10.5281/zenodo.4071471" } @inproceedings{Biernacka2020h, author = "K. Biernacka and L. Huaroto", title = "Learning Analytics in Relation to Open Access to Research Data in Peru. An Interdisciplinary Comparison.", year = 2020, publisher = "Proceedings III Conferencia Latinoamericana de Analíticas de Aprendizaje (LALA 2020)", month = "Oct", keywords = "data publication, data sharing, open research data, research integrity, research data, open science" } @misc{Biernacka2020c, author = "K. Biernacka and S. A. Danker and C. Engelhardt and K. Helbig and S. Hendriks and J. Jacob and G. Jagusch and G. Lanza and C. Leone and K. Meier and J. Neumann and C. Odebrecht and K. Peters and S. Rehwald and J. Rex and M. Senft and A. Strauch and K. Thiemann and U. Trautwein-Bruns and C. Wiljes and U. Wuttke and F. Ziedorn", title = "Metadatenschema für Schulungsmaterialien zum Thema Forschungsdatenmanagement", year = 2020, publisher = "Zenodo", month = "Apr", keywords = "metadata, metadata schema, metadata standard, teaching materials, research data management", doi = "10.5281/zenodo.3760397" } @misc{Biernacka2020b, author = "K. Biernacka", title = "Researchers' Perspective on the Publication of Research Data: Semi-structured Interviews from China", year = 2020, publisher = "edoc-Server", institution = "Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin", month = "Apr", keywords = "open research data, open data, research integrity, data publication", doi = "10.18452/21330" } @article{Biernacka2019b, author = "K. Biernacka and K. Helbig and P. Buchholz and D. Dolzycka", title = "Forschungsdatenmanagement schulen – ein Train-the-Trainer Programm zur Kompetenzvermittlung", year = 2019, journal = "Information - Wissenschaft & Praxis", volume = 70, number = 5, pages = "264-272", month = "Nov", keywords = "research data, train-the-trainer, research data management", doi = "10.1515/iwp-2019-2040" } @inproceedings{Biernacka2019a, author = "K. Biernacka", title = "Open Data Behind Bars – Does the Unfamiliarity with Data Protection Regulations Prevent the Publication of Research Data?", year = 2019, booktitle = "CONFERENCE PAPERS Oral Presentation", publisher = "TERI", pages = "14-17", month = "Nov", keywords = "open data, research data, gdpr", url = "", isbn = "978-81-7993-698-6" } @article{Helbig2019a, author = "K. Helbig and K. Biernacka and P. Buchholz and D. Dolzycka and N. Hartmann and T. Hartmann and B. M. Hiemenz and B. Jacob and M. Kuberek and N. Weiß and M. Dreyer", title = "Lösungen und Leitfäden für das institutionelle Forschungsdatenmanagement", year = 2019, journal = "o-bib. Das offene Bibliotheksjournal / Herausgeber VDB", volume = 6, number = 3, pages = "21-39", month = "Oct", doi = "10.5282/o-bib/2019H3S21-39" } @article{Joubert2015a, author = "A. Joubert and K. Biernacka", title = "Cultural Heritage and New Technologies: the Role of Technology in Preserving, Restoring and Disseminating Cultural Knowledge", year = 2015, journal = "Southern African Journal of Folklore Studies", volume = 25, number = 1, doi = "10.25159/1016-8427/715" }