Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät - Didaktik der Informatik | Informatik und Gesellschaft

Yasmin Patzer, M.Ed.

Yasmin Patzer, M.Ed.  



Lernen auf der Plattform


@inbook{Patzer2020b, author = "Y. Patzer and J. Frohn and N. Pinkwart", title = "Potenziale inklusionsorientierter Lehr-Lern-Bausteine für die Übertragung auf verschiedene Fachdidaktiken und für die MINT-Fächer", year = 2020, booktitle = "Inklusionsorientierte Lehr-Lern-Bausteine für die Hochschullehre", publisher = "Klinkhardt", pages = "151-161" } @inbook{Liebsch2020a, author = "A.-C. Liebsch and Y. Patzer", title = "Der Baustein Adaptive Klassenführungskompetenz: effektive Klassenführung als Basis für den inklusiven Unterricht", year = 2020, booktitle = "Inklusionsorientierte Lehr-Lern-Bausteine für die Hochschullehre", publisher = "Klinkhardt", pages = "88-98" } @inproceedings{Patzer2019c, author = "Y. Patzer and N. Pinkwart", title = "Inklusives Lernen mit barrierefreien Videos – Ein Fallbeispiel", year = 2019, booktitle = "DELFI 2019 – Die 17. Fachtagung Bildungstechnologien", publisher = "Köllen Druck + Verlag GmbH", pages = "311-312", doi = "10.18420/delfi2019_325", url = "" } @inbook{Patzer2019a, author = "Y. Patzer and N. Pinkwart", title = "Inklusiver Unterricht in Informatik und darüber hinaus: Wie kann inklusives eLearning dazu beitragen?", year = 2019, booktitle = "Inklusives Lehren und Lernen. Allgemein- und fachdidaktische Grundlagen", publisher = "Verlag Julius Klinkhardt", pages = "136-145", keywords = "laya-platform", url = "", isbn = "978-3-7815-2289-3" } @inbook{HUB-CSES/KPP18, author = "G. Kazimzade and Y. Patzer and N. Pinkwart", title = "Artficial Intelligence in Education Meets Inclusive Educational Technology – The Technical State-of-the-Art and Possible Directions", year = 2019, booktitle = "Artificial Intelligence and Inclusive Education: Speculative Futures and Emerging Practices", publisher = "Springer", pages = "61-73", doi = "10.1007/978-981-13-8161-4_4", url = "" } @inproceedings{HUB-CSES/PLSP18, author = "Y. Patzer and J. Lambertz and B. Schulz and N. Pinkwart", title = "Mobile Online Courses for the Illiterate: The eVideo Approach", year = 2018, booktitle = "International Conference on Computers Helping People with Special Needs, Part 1", publisher = "Springer International Publishing", doi = "10.1007/978-3-319-94277-3_59" } @inproceedings{HUB-CSES/PPZ18, author = "Y. Patzer and N. Pinkwart and A. Zimmermann", title = "LAYA - ein inklusives eLearning System", year = 2018, booktitle = "DeLFI 2018 - Die 16. E-Learning Fachtagung Informatik", publisher = "Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V.", volume = 284, keywords = "laya-platform" } @inproceedings{HUB-CSES/PNP18, author = "Y. Patzer and N. Russler and N. Pinkwart", title = "Gamification in inclusive eLearning", year = 2018, booktitle = "International Conference on Computers Helping People with Special Needs, Part 1", publisher = "Springer International Publishing", keywords = "laya-platform", doi = "10.1007/978-3-319-94277-3_26" } @inbook{HUB-CSES/PRuP18, author = "Y. Patzer and N. Russler and N. Pinkwart", title = "Mit Gamification zu mehr Lernmotivation", year = 2018, booktitle = "Fachreihe eVideoTransfer, Ausgabe 2018", publisher = "ARBEIT UND LEBEN DBG/VHS" } @inproceedings{HUB-CSES/AAATE17, author = "Y. Patzer and N. Pinkwart", title = "Inclusive E-Learning - Towards an Integrated System Design", year = 2017, booktitle = "Studies in Health Technology and Informatics - Harnessing the Power of Technology to Improve Lives", publisher = "IOS Press", volume = 242, keywords = "laya-platform", doi = "10.3233/978-1-61499-798-6-878" } @inbook{HUB-CSES/GD17, author = "Y. Patzer and N. Pinkwart and S. Trzecinski", title = "Inklusive Lernmedien - ein Beispielszenario", year = 2016, booktitle = "Grundbildung und Digitalisierung - Herausforderungen, Chancen, Ansätze", publisher = "ARBEIT UND LEBEN DBG/VHS", url = "", isbn = "978-3-9817838-1-0" } @phdthesis{HUB-CSES/Pa16, author = "Y. Patzer", title = "Anforderungs- und Konzeptentwicklung f{ü}r eine inklusive E-Learning Software", year = 2016, note = "Master Thesis" } @inproceedings{HUB-CSES/PaSeP16, author = "Y. Patzer and J. Sell and N. Pinkwart", title = "Anforderungen und ein Rahmenkonzept für inklusive E-Learning Software", year = 2016, booktitle = "Tagungsband der 14. e-Learning Fachtagung Informatik (DeLFI)", publisher = "Köllen Druck+Verlag GmbH", volume = 233, keywords = "laya-platform" }