SE Education

Basic principles
Slides (restricted)
Case studies
Literature (lect.)

Software Engineering Education is a part of the project supported by DAAD under auspices of Stability pact for south-eastern Europe, aimed  for improvement of teaching and research conditions in that region. 
    The aim of the SE Education sub-project is to define a common curriculum for the undergraduate course on software engineering that would be accepted in all participating institutions.

For further information on the whole project, click here.

For overview of the course, see basic principles, structure, topics, and syllabus. Topics and syllabus consists of two parts: first part is for a course consisting of 60 lecture hours, 30 exercise hours and 30 hours for student assignments, while the second part is for a course consisting of 30 lecture hours, 15 exercise hours and 15 hours for student assignments.

For more detailed view of the course, see slides (restricted), case studies, student assignments, and literature for lecturers.

For additional information about this sub-project, see its schedule, supporting documents (restricted), discussion, frequently asked questions, participants, and published publications.

What's New

October 1st, 2003
Project documents updated.
The structure of the title page changed.
Topic 28 (configuration management) added .
The new document: 'The structure of the course' added under a new button on the title page.
Publications added, under a new button.

May 28, 2003
Project documents added.
Review reports added under discussion.
State of slides updated.

February 19, 2003
Added Topic 26 (user manuals). project management is now Topic 27.
Schedule updated.
Topics and syllabus pages are broken into two pages.
Added a new page that describes in more details the state of topic slides.
F.A.Q. updated.
Participants updated.
Slides for many topics improved and added.
Documents for case study Seminar Organization improved.

June 15, 2002
Topic 11 has been split into two topics - therefore the list of topics and syllabus are updated.
Slides for topics 11, 12, and 23 added.
Lecture notes (comments for lecturers) added to slides for topic 21.

March 20, 2002
Slides for topics 18 and 20 added.

February 19, 2002
Syllabus stable.

February 6, 2002

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(c) 2002, Klaus Bothe, Zoran Budimac.
For problems or questions regarding this site contact Zoran Budimac.
Last updated: September 25, 2003 12:14:22 PM.