Seminar Organization

Requirements Specification v3.0

version author security quality date status comment
2.1 Balzert   03/91 accepted  
2.2 Balzert   10/91 accepted F115 added
2.3 Balzert   10/95 accepted F15, F125, F185, D65 removed; F130, D10, D20 added; D30, D70 changed
3.0     07/00 accepted extension on Web

1. Goals

The seminars presented by "Teachware" company should be supported by computers.

1.1  Compulsory criteria

1.2 Optional criteria

1.3 Exclusion criteria

2. Product usage

The product is used by client-, company-, lecturer-, seminar- and presentation management of "Teachware" company. Besides, the various queries should be answered. 

2.1 Application area

Salesman, administrative application area

2.2 Target groups

Associates of  "Teachware" company should be divided into: client manager, seminar manager, presentation custodian.

"Teachware" clients: clients and companies can get the information about seminars and presentations on the Internet. They can book using Internet, as well.

2.3 Company conditions

Office environment.

3. Product overview

Overview diagram:

4. Product functions

4.1 Use cases

F10 (PF10)

Use case: informing: from question to information

Goal: client gets required information or the information material is sent to her/him

Category: primary

Preconditions: -

Post condition success: client gets required information

Post condition failure: the required information can not be issued

Actor: client manager, client, company

Triggering event: client writes (letter, fax, e-mail) or calls


  1. client data retrieval (1 complex function)

  2. information issue (1 middle function)


  1. A client data actualization

  2. A production of address label (for sending info-material)


  1. An inclusion of a new client


F20 (PF20)


Use case: booking:  from registration to booking

Goal: the registration notification and sending invoice to the client

Category: primary

Preconditions: -

Post condition success: client is notified

Post condition failure: notification to clients that presentation is overbooked, or does not exist, or a booking for the client is already made 

Actor: client manager, client, company

Triggering event: client registration is available


  1. client data retrieval (1 complex function)

  2. presentation verification (1 middle function)

  3. booking undertaking (1 simple function)

  4. registration notification and sending invoice (1 simple function)

  5. sending invoice copy to the accounts department (1 simple function)


  1. A client data actualization 

  2. B when client is associate of  the company, associated company data are updated and accessed 

  3. C invoice verification


  1. A inclusion of  a new client

  2. A when the presentation is over booked, to point out the alternative one

  3. B notification of "false presentation", if the presentation does not exist




Use case: checking out:  from canceling to credit note

Goal: the cancel notification and sending the client a credit note

Category: primary

Preconditions: client is registered for a presentation 

Post condition success: client is canceled

Post condition failure: client was not registered 

Actor: client manager, client, company

Triggering event: client canceling is available


  1. client data retrieval (1 complex function)

  2. presentation verification (1 simple function)

  3. cancel undertaking (1 middle function)

  4. cancel notification and credit note issue (1 simple function)


  1. A client data actualization 

  2. A 200 EUR fee for canceling, when canceled  more than 4 week before presentation 

  3. B 100% fee for canceling, when canceled  less than 4 week before presentation 

Alternatives: -




Use case: canceling:  from canceling to cancel notification

Goal: the cancel notification sent to all clients, lecturers and presentation custodians, sending the client a credit note

Category: primary

Preconditions: client is notified about canceled presentation, lecturers stop presenting the canceled presentation

Post condition success: clients, lecturers, presentation custodians and seminar managers are informed about 

Post condition failure: - 

Actor: client manager, seminar manager

Triggering event: presentation must be canceled, because of, for instance, lecturer's illness


  1. concerned clients, lecturers and presentation custodian are contacted (1 middle function)

  2. presentation canceling (1 simple function)

  3. sending canceling of presentation notification (1 complex function)


  1. A credit note sending 

  2. B credit note copy to account department


  1. A if a lecturer is not able to keep a presentation, verify alternative lecturer 

  2. A offering alternative presentation




Use case: booking company:  from registering to booking a company's internal presentation

Goal: sending a registration proof  to a company's contact person

Category: primary

Preconditions: -

Post condition success: company got the invoice and the registration form

Post condition failure: sending notification to clients that internal company presentation is not possible

Actor: seminar manager

Triggering event: company notification is available


  1. company data retrieved (1 complex function)

  2. presentation registration(1 middle function)

  3. booking undertaken (1 simple function)

  4. produce registration proof (1 simple function)


  1. A company data actualization 

  2. B invoice verification


  1. A a new company inclusion

  2. A to show an interest in company's wishes

  3. B informing lecturers about company wishes


F30 (PF30) 


Use case: presenting seminar:  from participation to evaluation

Goal: lecturers are conducting the presentation

Category: primary

Preconditions: presentation has enough participants and is not canceled

Post condition success: presentation is conducted

Post condition failure: -

Actor: presentation custodian

Triggering event: presentation beginning date


  1. participants list and evaluations to participants and lecturers (1 simple function)

  2. certificates to participants (1 simple function)

  3. evaluations collection (1 simple function)

  4. proof of  (1 simple function)

  5. payment notification to account department (1 simple function)

Extension: -



F40 (PF40) 


Use case: designing seminar:  from idea to a new seminar

Goal: new seminar conduction

Category: primary

Preconditions: ask for client's, company's, and lecturer's opinion, examine the market

Post condition success: new seminar realization

Post condition failure: -

Actor: seminar manager

Triggering event: start planning period


  1. look at seminar and presentation statistics (participants figures and payments) (1 middle function)

  2. seminar realization (1 middle function)


  1. A order lecturers

  2. B presentation scheduled (Use case: presentation planning)


  1. A delete a seminar

  2. B seminar modification


F50 (PF50) 


Use case: acquiring lecturer:  from choosing to engaging

Goal: new lecturers engaging

Category: secondary

Preconditions: market examination

Post condition success: new lecturer engaged, contract sent

Post condition failure: -

Actor: seminar manager

Triggering event: start the planning period or sporadic


  1. to see a new seminar and presentation (1 simple function)

  2. lecturer registration (1 complex function)


  1. to assign seminars and presentations to lecturer 


  1. A delete lecturer

  2. B actualize lecturer 


F60 (PF60) 


Use case: planning presentation: from scheduling to reservation

Goal: presentation scheduled, place fixed and reserved

Category: secondary

Preconditions: -

Post condition success: planned presentation  

Post condition failure: planned presentation is not finished

Actor: seminar manager

Triggering event: start the planning period or sporadic


  1. to see a new seminar (1 middle function)

  2. presentation registration (1 middle function)


  1. to see unfinished planned presentations


  1. to plan an incomplete presentation


4.2 Lists


F70 (PF70) 

Participant list: a) per presentation with following data: seminar title, staring date, finishing date, presentation place, lecturers; b) per participant: first name, family name, company, town (simple output)


F80 (PF80) 

Participant certificate: for every presentation participant with following data: address, title, first name, family name, starting date, finishing date, seminar title, place, overview, conductor (middle output)


F90 (PF90) 

Queries like the following should be allowed:

When the next X seminar will be held?

Which associates of company Y participated in seminar X?


5. Product data


5.1 Client data


D10 (PD10) Client data (max. 50 000):

Client number, name, address, communication data, date of birth, function, exchange, short information, notices, info material, client since. (simple data)


D20 (PD20) Company data (max. 10 000):

When a client is an associate of a company:

Company's short name, company name, address, communication data, contact person, section, date of birth, function of contact person, short information, notices, exchange, client since (simple data)



If a company is in a paying delay, then the following data should be saved:

Date of still unpaid invoice, as well as amount (simple data)


5.2 Seminar data


D30 (PD30) Presentation data (max. 100 000):

Presentation number, duration (in days), from, to, daily period split-beginning, daily period split-end, beginning of the first day, end of the last day, presentation place (hotel/company, address, room), cooperation partner, public (yes/no), net price, cancel fee, min. participant rate, max. participant rate, actual participant, carried out (yes/no) (middle data)


D40 (PD40) Seminar type data (max. 10 000):

Short title of seminar, seminar title, purpose, methodic, overview, daily procedure, duration, records, target group, requirements, fee without tax, min. participant rate, max. participant rate (simple data)


D50 (PD50) Lecturers data (max. 5 000):

Lecturer number, name, address, communication data, date of birth, biography, daily allowance, short information, notices, lecturer since. (simple data)



If a lecturer conducts a seminar, this information should be saved. (simple data)


5.3 Booking data



For every seminar booking by company or client, following information should be saved: 

Registered when, validated when, biledl when, canceled when, notification when. (simple data)


6. Product efficiency


E10 (PE10)

Function F90 must take less than 15 sec to answer.


E20 (PE20)

All reaction times on user actions must take less than 2 sec (except function F90)

7. Quality requirements

Product quality excellent good normal not relevant
Functionality (1/2 point)
Suitability X
Accurateness X
Interoperability X
Compliance X
Security X
Maturity X
Fault tolerance X
Recoverability X
Usability (0,7 point)
Understandability X
Learn-ability X
Operability X
Efficiency (1/2 point)
Time behavior X
Resource behavior X
Analyzability X
Changeability X
Stability X
Testability X
Adaptability X
Install-ability X
Conformance X
Replace-ability X

8. User interface

Standard Windows-oriented environment.

The web-browser handling is simplified. The available functions are executed in side-wise frames. In main frames are presented the lists and register masks.

Service interfaces are designed for mouse.

ISO 9241-10: 1996 (Ergonomic requirements for office work with screen machines, part 10: dialog design fundamentals) to be taken into account.

Distinguish the following roles:

Role Rights
Client manager F10, F20, F21, F90
Seminar manager F22, F23, F40, F50, F60, F90
Presentation custodian F30, F70, F80
Lecturer F70, F80  (for some presentations only through Internet)
Client, Company F10, F20, F21 (only through  the Internet)

9. Non-functional requirements

If a functionality would be used over the Internet, than a secure transmit has to be possible, after a client's wish, especially for roles of client manager, seminar manager, presentation custodian.

10. Technical product environment

Product is client/server and Internet-enabled.

10.1 Software

Server-operating system: Windows NT/98.

Client-operating system: Windows NT/98 or Browser.

10.2 Hardware

Server: PC.

Client: Browser enabled machine with graphic monitor.

10.3 Orgware

Network connection of servers to accounts department's computer.

10.4 Product interfaces

A copy of a produced invoice will be stored as a data. Account department has an access to this data through an available function. Paying delays will be entered by account department through an available function.

11. Special requirements for development environment

No variations of product environment.

12. Structure of product parts

The tree parts of product are planned: the first version includes kernel functionality without Internet functionality. The second version covers core functionality expanded with some  Internet functionality like booking and booking the company's internal presentation. The third version supports hotel and terminal management. 

Functions SemOrg v1.0 (Kernel) SemOrg v2.0 (Kernel) SemOrg v3.0 (Kernel)
F10 informing X (without Internet) X (with Internet)  
F20 booking X (without Internet) X (with Internet)  
F21 checking out X (without Internet) X (with Internet)  
F22 canceling X (without Internet) X (with Internet)  
F23  company booking   X  
F30 presenting seminar X (without Internet) X (with Internet)  
F40 designing seminar X (without Internet) X (with Internet)  
F50 acquiring lecturer X (without Internet) X (with Internet)  
F60 planning presentation X (without hotel management)   X (with hotel management)
F70 participant list X (without Internet) X (with Internet)  
F80 participant certificate X (without Internet) X (with Internet)  
F90 queries X (without Internet) X (with Internet)  

13. Supplements

According experience, 5% of all clients are in paying delay.